Premium authentic Caribbean products now available in Canada & USA!

Premium authentic Caribbean products now available in Canada & USA!



Welcome to 2Sisters Distribution. We are happy you have arrived at our shop, browse and pick up some flavorful seasonings, teas, condiments, and other specialty items exclusively in Canada & the USA from Jamaica Valley. If you have never heard of this brand, let us introduce you to it now, you will thank us later! 

Jamaica Valley, the United Kingdom distributed brand, offers products sourced directly from herbs, spices, vegetables & fruits grown locally by Jamaican Farmers. The Main manufacturing is done in Runaway Bay, in the Parish of St. Ann, providing employment & stimulating the local economy. The lineup of seasonings includes their special blend of All-Purpose, Jerk, Chicken, Chicken Spice, Fish & Seafood, Oxtail & Vegan Vegetable, and more. In addition, they offer premium Curry powder and a unique blend of Pimento & Scotch Bonnet for an unmatched punch of taste! 

In addition to the great quality and flavor, all Jamaica Valley products are free from additives and preservatives. Your dishes will never be the same once you taste the Jamaica Valley difference!

Cook with confidence that your result will be delicious, wholesome, and a taste of the Caribbean that will give your dishes that WOW factor!

If it's that "taste of home" you are looking for, nutritional benefit, expert-level cooking, for commercial or home use, or you have been newly introduced to the Caribbean or West Indian food culture and are looking to create a fusion dish, we have you covered!

Whatever the reason to season, we have what you need, bridging the world to your kitchen!

Follow us on @2sisterscaribbeangrocery for our exciting promos, new partnerships, and Foodie Inspo!

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I tried ordering some of the item I wanted but it not in stock vcanu sent me a email bwhen are back in stock.

Earline Miles

Thank you.. Thank you 2sister’s. This is my first time ordering. Cant wait to have minessss.. Blessings over you and company.


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